The Story of a Seagull and the Cat Who Taught Her to Fly

The Story of a Seagull and the Cat Who Taught Her to Fly
Sepulveda, Luis.
Translated from Historia de una gaviota y del gato que le enseno a volar
(Spanish Edition) by Sathaporn Tippayasak.
Illustrated by Chalermchart Jaroendeeying.
Bangkok: Butterfly Book House, 2008. 176 pages. 153.50 Baht.
ISBN 978-974-14-0339-4

The book translated from Spanish edition was about the life of a poor little orphan seagull. The feather of mother seagull was caught in the crude oil slick that leaked out from a ship, thus she could fly no more. Before breathing the last, she left her egg with a cat and asked for his promise to watch over the egg and to bring up the chic, as well as to teach her to fly. A party of cats of the Port of Hamburg nourished the chic, until she was grown up enough to learn to fly. But flying was beyond the nature of cats, so they had to try to find out how to teach the little seagull to fly

The party consisted of the stout black cat who strongly intended to keep his words; the senior godfather cat who always spoke the words incorrectly, never resolved any disagreement, but whose advices always created the good feelings; the secretary cat who always spoke sarcastically; and the love-reading cat who believed that all kinds of knowledge could be found from books. The cat believed that even how to teach the bird to fly could effectively be done by the principles of flying from the encyclopedia. He said “upon seeing the pages of books, I could learn the new things.” This mission was also carried on by a fellow man who was accordingly chosen to his reliability; and such reliable man was a poet. Upon hearing what the poet wrote, the cats felt “delighted, sometimes sad, but cheerful-minded and happy to hear more.” The author impressively described how the little bird learnt to fly, with the worth-thinking philosophy of life harmoniously inserted. Only the brave can fly! Finally the little bird could amazingly fulfil her fervent hope.

Such book is informative, highly readable and enjoyable, with sharp and interesting viewpoints and pleasantly and lively illustrated. It is good for kids and excellent for adults.

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